Saturday, July 20, 2024

Iran Nuclear News

The Iranian regime’s clandestine nuclear weapons project over nearly three decades has been the center of world news attention.

The Iranian regime’s nuclear weapons program remained secret until 2002 when the National Council of Resistance of Iran held a press conference revealing a uranium enrichment facility at Natanz and a Heavy Water plant at Arak.

Those revelations, based on information provided by the social network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), triggered an investigation by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that eventually brought the regime’s nuclear file before the UN Security Council for punitive sanctions.

The NCRI’s political platform rejects nuclear weapons or technology being pursued in Iran, and Mrs. Rajavi’s 10-point plan for a future Iran states explicitly: “We want the free Iran of tomorrow to be devoid of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction.”

On this page, you will follow the most important news, revelation, and positions of the Iranian Resistance on the Iranian regime nuclear weapons project’s activities.


Robert Morgenthau: Iran nuclear deal lets killers go free

U.S. President Barack Obama has in good faith negotiated an agreement with the regime in Iran that would end a broad range of economic...

Calls for details of Iran ‘side deal’ to come into public domain

NCRI - There is strong sentiment in the U.S. Congress that the details of the "side deal" between the regime in Iran and the United...

Washington conference to discuss Iran nuclear deal

A former international nuclear inspector, Iranian opposition figure, and the former Commander of the USS Cole have been invited to discuss the Iran Nuclear...

Iran regime in retreat; time to encourage democratic change

Critics rightly point out that the Iran nuclear deal announced on July 14 is deeply flawed. The pact preserves Iran’s major nuclear infrastructure; it...

Iran deal reinvigorates the ayatollahs – Lord Maginnis of Drumglass

The Iranian regime’s nuclear ambition has been in existence since the late 1980’s, sometimes hindered, but steadily moving forward, writes Lord Maginnis of Drumglass....

Reject Iran nuclear deal in favor of regime change from within

The United States Congress should reject the recent nuclear deal by the Obama administration with the mullahs' regime in Iran and instead support the...

U.S. Rep. Grace Meng: Iran deal ‘simply too dangerous’

A Democratic member on the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee came out against the Iran nuclear deal on Wednesday, as the White...

Iran nuclear agreement has serious flaws – dissident

At the White House recently, U.S. President Barack Obama hailed the recently-announced nuclear agreement with Iran's regime as “the best deal.” A closer look...

Iran’s critics voice distrust of nuclear-weapons agreement – Church Times

The broad international welcome given to the recent nuclear agreement between the regime in Iran and the major world powers has failed to mollify...

Senate Briefing: Lawmakers, experts call for new Iran policy

Source: Iranian-American Cultural Association of Missouri Senate Briefing: Experts Discuss Blocking Iran’s Pathways to the Bomb, Stress Need for Congressional Scrutiny to Ensure Enforcement Washington,...