Saturday, July 20, 2024

Iran Nuclear News

The Iranian regime’s clandestine nuclear weapons project over nearly three decades has been the center of world news attention.

The Iranian regime’s nuclear weapons program remained secret until 2002 when the National Council of Resistance of Iran held a press conference revealing a uranium enrichment facility at Natanz and a Heavy Water plant at Arak.

Those revelations, based on information provided by the social network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), triggered an investigation by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that eventually brought the regime’s nuclear file before the UN Security Council for punitive sanctions.

The NCRI’s political platform rejects nuclear weapons or technology being pursued in Iran, and Mrs. Rajavi’s 10-point plan for a future Iran states explicitly: “We want the free Iran of tomorrow to be devoid of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction.”

On this page, you will follow the most important news, revelation, and positions of the Iranian Resistance on the Iranian regime nuclear weapons project’s activities.


Gen. Hugh Shelton: Don’t empower Iran’s tyrants

Moderating Iran's fundamentalist regime is simply not a "viable expectation" and the only long-term solution to end the regime's nuclear aspirations, meddling in regional...
Senator Chuck Schumer

Sen. Chuck Schumer to vote against Iran nuclear deal

New York Senator Chuck Schumer, an influential U.S. Democrat who's poised to assume leadership of his party in the Senate, will oppose President Barack...
Prof. Ivan Sheehan and Emeritus Prof. Raymond Tanter

Experts: 6 reasons Congress should reject Iran nuclear deal

The regime in Iran is not a permanent fixture of the Middle East landscape; the false dichotomy of war and negotiation is useful rhetoric...

Countdown to disaster in Iran – Struan Stevenson

Determined to achieve a legacy agreement with Iran to put a shine on his lackluster presidency, Barack Obama signed up to a deal that...

Former USS Cole commander, IAEA official denounce Iran deal

Opponents of the proposed Iran nuclear deal got some star-studded support this week as the longtime deputy director of the International Atomic Energy Agency...
Alireza Jafarzadeh

Back regime change to end Iran nuclear crisis – opposition

NCRI - The only reason that the Iranian regime came to the negotiating table and eventually agreed to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action...

Top U.S. lawmaker introduces legislation rejecting Iran nuclear deal

U.S. Rep. Ed Royce, Chairman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, on Tuesday introduced H.J.Res. 64, legislation that would prevent the implementation of...

Congressman Ed Royce demands to see Iran nuclear ‘side deals’

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce is demanding to see the so-called the ‘side deals’ between the Iranian regime and the United Nations’...

Iran nuclear deal under scrutiny in Washington conference

NCRI - The Iran Nuclear Deal and its impact on regional security, nuclear weapons verification challenges and on the situation inside Iran were discussed on...

Today: Live broadcast of Washington conference on Iran nuclear deal

NCRI - Today's conference at the National Press Club in Washington on the Iran Nuclear Deal will be streamed live on at 10:30...