Thursday, July 18, 2024

Iran Nuclear News

The Iranian regime’s clandestine nuclear weapons project over nearly three decades has been the center of world news attention.

The Iranian regime’s nuclear weapons program remained secret until 2002 when the National Council of Resistance of Iran held a press conference revealing a uranium enrichment facility at Natanz and a Heavy Water plant at Arak.

Those revelations, based on information provided by the social network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), triggered an investigation by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that eventually brought the regime’s nuclear file before the UN Security Council for punitive sanctions.

The NCRI’s political platform rejects nuclear weapons or technology being pursued in Iran, and Mrs. Rajavi’s 10-point plan for a future Iran states explicitly: “We want the free Iran of tomorrow to be devoid of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction.”

On this page, you will follow the most important news, revelation, and positions of the Iranian Resistance on the Iranian regime nuclear weapons project’s activities.

Iran Nuclear Deal Threatened by May Ultimation

NCRI Staff NCRI - In the coming months, the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal will come under a great deal of scrutiny in the US as...

Senators Call for Iran Regime Sanctions

  NCRI Staff NCRI - US Senators Todd Young (R-IN) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) took charge of a letter that was sent to President Donald Trump. They...

South Korean- Iran Trade Deal Is Stopped

NCRI Staff NCRI - South Korea recently stopped a proposed investment $1.6 billion deal with the Iranian Regime, thanks to Saudi Arabia's influence. The Financial Tribune reported...

Iran Regime Is Scared of Losing Europe to the Us Over Nuclear Deal

NCRI Staff NCRI - The Iranian Regime is becoming increasing scared of Donald Trump’s words and actions regarding the future of the nuclear deal and of...

Trump Warns This Might Be Final Iran Nuclear Deal Waiver

Trump Warns This Might Be Final Iran Deal Waiver, President Trump renewed the Iran nuclear deal, but said that this will be the last...

Iran Regime Funding North Korea’s Malign Missile and Nuclear Programmes

NCRI Staff NCRI - Late last week, US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley raised the issue that the Iranian Regime was gifting ballistic...

Menacing Nuclear Cooperation Between Iran Regime and North Korea

It is widely agreed that Pyongyang has dramatically deepened its partnership with Tehran's 'Axis of Resistance.’ This according to the 16 agency US Intelligence...

U.N. Ambassador Haley to Meet With IAEA Director Regarding Iran

  NCRI Staff NCRI - Yukiya Amano, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director, is expected to meet with United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley,...

Iran Regime’s Ballistic Missile Programme Is a Huge Problem

NCRI Staff NCRI - Ever since the Nazis first deployed ballistic missiles in World War II, the world has been rightly concerned about the threat the...

Lawmakers Urge Ambassador Haley to Ensure Access to Nuclear Sites in Iran Is Granted

  NCRI Staff NCRI - Republican lawmakers are calling on the Trump administration to ensure that nuclear inspectors will be able to have unrestricted access to all...