Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran Nuclear News

The Iranian regime’s clandestine nuclear weapons project over nearly three decades has been the center of world news attention.

The Iranian regime’s nuclear weapons program remained secret until 2002 when the National Council of Resistance of Iran held a press conference revealing a uranium enrichment facility at Natanz and a Heavy Water plant at Arak.

Those revelations, based on information provided by the social network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), triggered an investigation by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that eventually brought the regime’s nuclear file before the UN Security Council for punitive sanctions.

The NCRI’s political platform rejects nuclear weapons or technology being pursued in Iran, and Mrs. Rajavi’s 10-point plan for a future Iran states explicitly: “We want the free Iran of tomorrow to be devoid of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction.”

On this page, you will follow the most important news, revelation, and positions of the Iranian Resistance on the Iranian regime nuclear weapons project’s activities.


Little optimism ahead of EU-Iran nuclear talks

Reuters - France, Britain and Germany resume low-level talks with Iran this week about its nuclear programme, but EU diplomats expressed little optimism that...
Nuclear Plant

Diplomats say Iran laying groundwork for uranium enrichment

Agence France Presse - On the eve of crucial nuclear talks with Iran, diplomats say Tehran is already laying the groundwork for uranium enrichment,...
Copenhagen rally against Ahmadinejad

Refer Iranian regime to UN Security Council – Neerskov

NCRI – Iranian regime violating international laws and has been condemned 52 times by various UN bodies for its human rights abuses, Hans Kristian...
GCC Session

Gulf states concerned over Iran regime nuclear ambitions

NCRI - Gulf Cooperation Council leaders, alarmed at Iranian regime’s nuclear ambitions, examined proposals for a nuclear-free zone in the world's top oil-producing region...
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

Influential congresswoman faults Bush on Iran

Reuters, Washington - An influential Republican congresswoman expressed frustration on Friday over President George W. Bush's approach to Iran and said pressure is building...
Shahab missiles

Iran developing longer-range missiles

NCRI - Iran is developing longer-range missiles with technology from North Korea and Russia according to Germany's foreign intelligence service.A report in the Bild,...
From left: Bjorn Jacobsen, Lars Rise, Parviz Khazai, Ingvald Godal, Morten Høglund

Iran-Nuclear: Mullahs’ nuclear file must be referred to Security Council – Norwegian parliamenta

NCRI – New aspects of the Iranian regime’s nuclear program was disclosed in a press conference in Oslo on Thursday. ...
Nuclear facilities

Iran-Nuclear: Mullahs insist will produce nuclear fuel, enrich uranium

NCRI - Iranian regime's head of the Atomic Organization, Gholamreza Aghazadeh, said on Saturday that the regime will enrich uranium and produce nuclear fuel...
ElBaradei, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency

Iran-Nuclear: ElBaradei warns Iran on stalling nuclear inquiry

International Herald Tribune - OSLO The head of United Nations nuclear monitoring agency, Mohamed ElBaradei, warned Iran on Friday to stop hindering an international...
Robert Joseph, undersecretary for arms control and international security

Iran-Nuclear: U.S. Official Says Iran ‘Very Aggressive’

Associated Press - Iran is closing in on production of nuclear weapons and even U.N. sanctions may not deter the aggressive government in Tehran,...