Monday, July 22, 2024

Iran Nuclear News

The Iranian regime’s clandestine nuclear weapons project over nearly three decades has been the center of world news attention.

The Iranian regime’s nuclear weapons program remained secret until 2002 when the National Council of Resistance of Iran held a press conference revealing a uranium enrichment facility at Natanz and a Heavy Water plant at Arak.

Those revelations, based on information provided by the social network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), triggered an investigation by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that eventually brought the regime’s nuclear file before the UN Security Council for punitive sanctions.

The NCRI’s political platform rejects nuclear weapons or technology being pursued in Iran, and Mrs. Rajavi’s 10-point plan for a future Iran states explicitly: “We want the free Iran of tomorrow to be devoid of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction.”

On this page, you will follow the most important news, revelation, and positions of the Iranian Resistance on the Iranian regime nuclear weapons project’s activities.


Iran says UN resolutions will not halt nuclear work

TEHRAN, May 5, 2007 (AFP) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Saturday that imposing further UN resolutions against Iran will not make it stop...

The Truth behind the Arrest of the Former Iranian Nuclear Negotiator

By: Mohammad AminConsidering his key role in the Iranian foreign policy, the arrest of Mousavian, the former nuclear negotiator of the clerical regime is...

Iran in crosshairs at Republican face-off

AFP - Republican presidential hopefuls lambasted Iran in their first head-to-head debate Thursday, with the Islamic Republic accused of launching a "nightmare" quest for...

Iran arrests former nuclear negotiator

TEHRAN, (AP) - The Iranian authorities have arrested a nuclear negotiator on an unspecified security charge, the state news agency reported Wednesday, even as...

Iran fights discussion of nuclear compliance at UN conference

AFP - Diplomats tried to rescue a nuclear conference on Tuesday following Iranian objections to any focus on compliance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).Failure...

Iran dismisses talk of partial freeze in atom work

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran dismissed on Sunday any suggestion it might agree to partially suspend its uranium enrichment activities as a way towards ending...

‘Mutual destruction’ danger in US anti-missile plan: Putin

by Sebastian Smith MOSCOW, April 27, 2007 (AFP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday warned that US plans to deploy an anti-missile system...

Intel Report: Iran Could Have Nuke Bomb by 2009 ,27 AprilA new intelligence report reveals that Iran may be closer to producing a nuclear weapon than previously thought, and could have enough...

Iran sole sticking point in Democratic presidential debate

WASHINGTON, April 26, 2007 (AFP) - Iran proved to be the sole flashpoint in an otherwise muted debate between US Democratic presidential hopefuls...

The Other Iran Timetable

by Nikolas K. Gvosdev-National Interest on Line26 AprilMost policy discussions in the United States concerning what to do about Iran's nuclear program revolve...