Obama, Brownback want Iran divestment

WASHINGTON (AP) – Democratic Sen. Barack Obama and Republican Sen. Sam Brownback are pressuring U.S. companies to stop investing in Iran’s oil and gas industries.

The two presidential candidates have introduced a measure encouraging divestment from companies that do business with Iran.

The bill would authorize state and local governments to divest their assets from such companies and give legal protection to people who divest. It also would require the federal government to publish a list of companies investing at least $20 million in Iran’s oil and gas industries.

‘The Iranian regime is the world’s biggest state sponsor of terror, proudly flaunts an illegal nuclear program and continues to violate the basic human rights of the Iranian people,’ Brownback said Friday.

Obama said, ‘All Americans can play a role in pressuring companies to cut their ties with the Iranian regime, a state sponsor of terror that is a threat to our allies in the region and international security, as a means of convincing Iran to fundamentally change its policies.’

Obama, of Illinois, and Brownback, of Kansas, recently said they had divested their personal holdings of Sudan-related stock.

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