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Nuclear revelations- Conference of M. Mohadessine

Text of the Press Conference of Mohammad Mohadessine
Chairman of the foreign affairs committee Of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
Friday, September 10, 2004

Simultaneous with the publication of IAEA report and on the eve of the meeting of the agency’s Board of Governors, the Iranian clerical regime is engaged in yet another deceptive attempt to prevent a decisive decision by the international community.

According to the information of the Resistance inside Iran, the Iranian regime is trying every means to avoid a decision by the IAEA’s Board of Governors next week to refer Iran’s case to UN Security Council. This would give the Iranian regime enough time to advance their plans for developing nuclear bomb.

According to accurate information available to the Iranian Resistance, Supreme leader, Ali Khamene’i has ordered the relevant apparatus of the regime to produce the first nuclear bomb by mid 2005. Thus, he has allocated another two billion dollars to this project which brings the total spending for the regime’s nuclear projects to 16 billion dollars. In order to meet the deadline set by Khamene’i, various sites including Natanz, Isfahan, and Arak are very active. Engineers are working extended hours and during holidays.

I will also discuss using deuterium to develop plutonium and new efforts by the regime in the filed of enrichment. I shall reveal the names of a number of companies related to the nuclear project and a new nuclear site.

A. Uranium Enrichment:

1. As it has been mentioned in the IAEA report, the clerical regime has at least 37 tones of yellow cake in its possession, which has been imported from a foreign country. This does not include any domestic production of yellow cake. They intend to convert this yellow cake to Uranium Hexafluoride in the UCF in Isfahan. This would act as the feed for centrifuge machines in a number of facilities including Natanz.

This project is supervised by Mohsen Al Rasoul, a confident of the mullahs’ regime, and Pishgam Energy Industries, LTD.

2. In a more general picture the clerical regime is pursuing a two prong strategy to nuclear weapons;

a) Obtaining enriched uranium

b) Plutonium.

In the filed of uranium enrichment, regime’s officials believe that they must reach the complete nuclear fuel cycle by 2005, otherwise they would be forced to import nuclear fuel and return its nuclear waste, a significant set back for their development of nuclear weapons.

B. Necessary steps for enrichment

3. The clerical regime has pursued all necessary steps for a complete nuclear fuel cycle. These steps are as follows:

a) Extracting uranium from mines in Saghand, Yazd

b) Producing yellow cake in sites in Ardekan and Bandar Abbas

c) Producing Uranium Hexafluoride (UF6) and uranium Tetraflouride (UF4) in the Uranium Conversion Facility in Isfihan.

d) Enrichment of uranium; essentially done in Natanz

In addition to the above mentioned steps, the clerical regime has set up factories to produce centrifuge, one of which is Kala Electric which has already been exposed by the Iranian Resistance.

C. Bandar Abbas Site

Sites in Saghand, Ardakan, Isfahan and Natanz have already been exposed by the Iranian Resistance. But Bandar Abbas’s site is the second largest facility for converting uranium to yellow cake. This site has not been disclosed before and it is in its final stage of being fully installed. This site is located 35 kilometers from Bandar Abbas towards Bandar Khomeini. The site is headed by Jabbari.

D. Plutonium

5. The Iranian Resistance has already disclosed the secret site of Arak which was built to produce heavy water and developing plutonium. One of the necessary components for completing the production of this site is Deuterium. This material has two functions for the clerical regime’s nuclear program. One is to cool down the heavy water reactors and the other one to boost nuclear explosion in the warheads.

6. The clerical regime has obtained Deuterium from free market and former Soviet republics using a front company known as “Rah-e kar-e Sanayea Novin.” The obtained Deuterium has been provided to the Centre of Nuclear Research in Isfahan. Part of this material has been provided to the heavy water site in Arak. The rest have been kept for use in Isfahan nuclear research centre.

E. Front companies involved in the regime nuclear projects

7. The Iranian Resistance has already exposed a number of front companies involved in nuclear activities. I would like to disclose more of such companies. These companies have been registered under different pretexts and each of them, indeed, deals with the issues relating to one of the sites. These companies have been set up for the following three purposes:

1) To hide the true objectives of the clerical regime

2) To portray its nuclear activities as benign work by private sector

3) To buy the necessary goods and technology for its nuclear projects from foreign countries

8. In a several-story building in Tehran at 33, Sayed Jamaleddin Assad Abadi Avenue, 15th Street, four of such companies are operating in nuclear projects of the clerical regime.

9. One of these four companies is called Pars Terash in which culminated centrifuge have been discovered. The full name of the company is “Iran’s Pars Terash Company”. Its registration number is 67977 and it has workshop out side the city.

The executive board of the company is as follows:

1. Morteza Behdad, President of the executive board

2. Mohammad Hossein Allahdad, vice president of the board

3. Mohammad Esmaili, director

4. Mohammad Ali Afshari, member of the executive board

5. Mohammad Afshari, member of the executive board

6. Abdollah Jodat, member of the executive board

In this building, in addition to Pars Tarash which is located in the first floor, there are three more companies in the second, third and fourth floor, owned by Kala Electric, which has already been disclosed by the Iranian Resistance, and produce centrifuge. The fifth and sixth floor belongs to nuclear electronic company which has recently been set up and has not yet begun operating.

10. Pishgam Development Industrial Energy:

This company has been registered as an electronic company. It was set up in the beginning of 1990’s as a cover for setting up Isfahan centre of research and production of nuclear fuel. This company is now in charge of designing UCF and FMP in Isfahan. It is also pursuing the production of uranium hexafluoride. In addition, this company is supervising the project of “Fuel unites of the site in Ardakan” as well as setting up a number of other centers.

The main office of the company in Isfihan is located at 40 Marty Zahraii alley, Army Avenue. The telephone number is: 22 11 660.

The company’s address in Tehran is 11, Second Street, Biston Avenue, Fatemi square. The company has no sing on the building. The office telephone numbers are as follows: 8956597 and 8968031.

The director of the company is Alireza Farhang

The president of the executive boards is Mansour Habashi Zadeh. He is also head of the centre for research and nuclear fuel in Isfihan.

Members of executive board are as follows: Mohsein Al Rasoul and Majid Shaabani kia.

The control project boss is Mehdi Fakharan

Head of Tehran’s bureau is Mehdi Amri

Rah-e Kar new Industry company

This company has officially been registered to “present and conduct services necessary for industrial plans.” The company has played a major part in providing services, purchases, importing and smuggling nuclear related equipments for the regime. The company is located at: IAEA central building in North Amir Abad Avenue.

Members of the executive board of the company are as follows:

Reza Agha zadeh, president of the executive board (Head of Nuclear Energy Organization)

Ali Aalayee Sarshad, vice president

Sayed Hossein Hosseini, director

Massoud Feyze and Mohammad Ali Ghazi Tabatabaii and Mehdi Sadrnia , members of the board.

As previously said, this company is involved in the production of deuterium.

F. Finance and budget

12. In a meeting of Khameni with political leaders and expert on nuclear technology in Marc 2004, the issue of necessary budget for nuclear projects was discussed. It was said during the meeting that so far 14 billion dollars have been spent on nuclear projects. Khameni ordered that another two billion dollars from central bank and reserve foreign currency be allocated to nuclear projects.

G. Timing and the regime’s political positions

13. In the above mentioned meeting in March 2004, Khamenei explicitly said they have little time to get nuclear bomb. It is difficult to continue this issue after the US election, On the other hand, having a nuclear bomb, will have dramatic effect in our relations with other countries, similar to that of North Korea. In the meeting there was a common understanding, politically and technically, that by mid 2005 the regime would have nuclear bomb. Adding: such bomb can be installed on the Shahab missile. In the beginning it is expected that the regime will be able to produce three bomb in a year.

14. In a meeting with officials related to nuclear issue in late September 2003, Khameni appointed Hassan Rouhani the task of deceiving the international community until they achieve nuclear technology. On October 10, Khatami officially appointed Rouhani on this position and this capacity Foreign Minister Kamal Kharazi, Intelligence Minister Ali Younessi, Defense Minister Shamkhani, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran head Aghazadeh, former Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati (Khamenei’s personal representative) are working under his supervision. In addition, individuals such as Sayed Hossein Mousavian, Amir Hosseing Zamani-nia, Mohammad Hossein Alborzi, Syrous Nasseri, Mohammad Kazem Sajadpour and Bozorgmehr Zaerian have the responsibility to prevent the disclosure of the regimes nuclear activities in the international scene.

In particular, following the letter from three major European countries last year, by maneuvering between the US and Europe, mullahs tried to lessen the international pressure in this regard. The conciliatory positons of the international community and in particular the European Union regarding mullahs ominous ambition to obtain nuclear weapons over the past year, has given Tehran the best opportunity to advance its nuclear projects. It is now clear that Tehran has not complied to its commitment with EU in this regard.

On August 12, 2004, Javad Larijani, Khamene’i advisor, said “this is our absolute right to have nuclear weapons”. That is why despite all political pressures and temporary closure of Natanz, the technological process of enrichment was never stopped and research activities continued. Suspension of making centrifuge which was announced last February by Rowhani, was continued in the industries affiliated to the regime defense industry.

Iran’s fundamentalist rulers increasing interference In Iraq, along its rapid drive to acquire nuclear weapons have endangered peace in the region and the world over. If Hitler had the opportunity to have nuclear bomb in the last year of war, we would have certainly faced a different geopolitics today. Today, the international community is facing a serious test in dealing with the religious fascism ruling Iran. Negotiation and conciliatory approach will provide the regime with the biggest chance to get close to have nuclear bomb. Thus, referring the nuclear case of clerical regime to UN Security Council and imposing sanction against this regime is the first step to prevent a disaster in the history of mankind.