Nuclear proliferation: 150 parliamentarians call on Chirac to “take a tougher stand”

Agence France Presse – 150 French parliamentarians from political parties ranging from right to left announced on Thursday that they had sent a petition to President Jacques Chirac of France calling on him to “take a tougher stance on nuclear proliferation.”

“On the occasion of the upcoming debates at the UN Security Council about the Iranian domestic threat,” the deputies want “France to side with countries which unambiguously reprove the inexorable process of nuclear proliferation,” they said in a statement.

The 150 cosignatory parliamentarians, from the Communist and Socialist parties, ruling party of UMP, the Greens and the UDF party, call on government “not to allow the world to engage in the present nuclear build-up.”
The representatives of the “Six” in charge of the Iranian nuclear file (Unites States, Russia, China, France, Germany and the United Kingdom) failed to reach an agreement in Paris on Tuesday evening, on the nature and the scope of the sanctions to be imposed against Iran because of Russia’s reservations.
More than three months have passed since the expiration of the August 31 deadline given to Iran under the Resolution 1696 of the Security Council to suspend enrichment or face sanctions.

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