No point giving time to Iran regime to change behavior – Opponent

NCRI – Recent remarks by Iranian regime’s leaders over its nuclear achievements have alarmed the world over the seriousness of threats posed by the clerics to the international peace and security. This was highlighted by the Sky News on Tuesday April 11, in its interview with an Iranian opponent.

In response to a question on the regime’s nuclear capabilities and its ambitions, Masoud Zabeti, an Iranian lawyer living in exile referred to 18 years of deceit by the clerics in Iran to hide their nuclear program which was unveiled for the first time by the Iranian Resistance back in 2002 and said: "There can be no doubt what so ever that the Iranian regime’s intention is to acquire nuclear weapons and the fact is that since the international community became aware of this program the Iranian regime has been working flat out to acquire the nuclear bomb."

He also pointed out that Mohammad Al-Baradei, the director of the International Atomic Energy Agency has admitted that once the know-how is there, it could be a matter of six months before the regime has the nuclear bomb.

As to why the mullahs are pressing for the nuclear bomb, Zabeti told the Sky News: "It is a matter of survival for them because the reality is that internally 95% of the Iranian people are completely opposed to the Iranian regime and it is only as a result of brutal oppression that the regime remains in power and obviously they face threats from external forces too."

In reply to the question of how the regime could be reined in, Zabeti said: "Decisiveness, and speed in decisiveness. What I say to the international community is simply this, what is the point in giving the Iranian regime a 30-day deadline to stop its uranium enrichment program when in response to that they fired their first stealth missile that carries multiple warheads."

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