No moderates in the Iranian regime – Rice

NCRI – In an Interview with the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal on Monday, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice recalled that the Iranian Resistance was the first to reveal nuclear sites in Iran:  “You have to remember that the way that we found out about Natanz was through reporting of dissidents who had been told things by people inside Iran. So one of the things that we have to do is we have to increase our capability to mine resources and intelligence about Iran. And one of the challenges that we have is we haven’t been in the country for 26 years.”

Pointing out a new trend in the US foreign policy on the Iranian regime, she added: “I do not believe we’re going to find Iranian moderates. The question is: are we going to find Iranian reasonables. And that’s an important distinction because if you’re looking for people who are, you know, prepared to lead the revolution toward a more favorable relationship with the United States and all of those things that has led to some 25 years of looking for those people, usually ending up in some major failure in American foreign policy. I don’t think you’re going to find them. »

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