Multilateral and bilateral Iran nuclear talks begins next week in Vienna

The six world powers and the Iranian regime are set to hold multilateral and bilateral nuclear talks in the coming days in Vienna, the Iranian regime’s foreign ministry said on Wednesday.

“I think that we will have bilateral and multilateral talks before the end of the next week in Vienna,” the spokesperson for the ministry said on Wednesday.

Meanwhile The Associated Press reported that pressure rises on U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry for a deal ensuring the Iranian regime cannot acquire nuclear bomb.

The report quoted diplomats as saying that Kerry, European Union negotiator Catherine Ashton and the Iranian regime’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif will gather in Vienna next week.

“Another negotiating round is expected shortly after to include Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia. They all have seven weeks to seal a comprehensive accord easing economic sanctions on Iran for curbs on its nuclear program. Failure could mean the process falling apart,” the report said.

“But there is no guarantee negotiators can reach a historic compromise,” because the Iranian regime has invested billions in its nuclear infrastructure and says it won’t dismantle,” and “the diplomats at the table aren’t simply negotiating with one another.” Any deal must “win the blessing of” Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.”


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