Mullahs’ regime trying to buy nuclear missile parts: Norway

NCRI – The clerical regime in Iran has been trying without success to obtain Norwegian missile technology for possible use in delivering nuclear weapons, Norway’s security chief said on Monday, according to Reuters.

Janne Kristiansen, general director of the Norwegian Police Security Service, told Reuters that the Iranian regime had approached small Norwegian companies that sell “special components that can … be used in weapons of mass destruction, for building missiles.”


Kristiansen said her agency discovered the mullahs’ attempts and stepped in before sensitive technology was passed, according to Reuters.

In an assessment of Norwegian security threats that was published on Monday, her agency described “very pushy behavior” by supposed commercial actors from the regime who would often inquire about innocuous products first.

Reuters cited the agency report as adding that they would then widen their wish list to include sensitive goods “and often make various proposals for transport and financing to circumvent Norwegian export regulations.”

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