Mullahs are ‘two years’ away from nuclear weapon

NCRI – A Russian strategic arms control expert, retired general Vladimir Dvorkin said on Thursday that the mullahs' regime is only 'one or two years' away from obtaining a nuclear weapon, according to wire services.
He was a veteran participant in US-Soviet disarmament talks in the 1970s and 1980s. General Dvorkin believes that the Iranian regime is able, in a year or two, to technically make an atomic bomb.

"In the technical sense, what may be holding them back is the lack of enough weapons-grade uranium," said Dvorkin, who today heads a strategic arms research centre at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.

"The threat is that Iran, which has effectively ignored all the resolutions and sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council, as a nuclear state would become untouchable, allowing it to broaden its support for terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah," he said.


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