Middle East peace contingent on denying Iran nukes, US Senator says

Sen. BrownNCRI – A US Senator said on Friday the Middle East will never see peace with a nuclear-armed Iranian regime.

Senator Scott Brown wrote in an op-ed piece published by the Wall Street Journal that while Israeli-Palestinian talks are good, Tehran’s nuclear drive continues.

“Those of us who hope for peace in the Middle East applaud the meeting of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The fact that Palestinians finally agreed to direct negotiations, without preconditions, is a positive step. But let's not delude ourselves: There can never be peace in the Middle East with a nuclear-armed Iran.”

Mr. Brown, a Republican from Massachusetts, added, “Now is the time to ratchet up the pressure, to further isolate Iranian President Ahmadinejad, and to impose even more punishing sanctions on the Iranian economy. For this effort to succeed, we must enlist the full support of neighboring Arab states.”

“Iran's actions threaten not only Israel and its immediate neighbors, but ultimately the world. They send a signal to other rogue nations with nuclear ambitions to continue their reckless pursuits,” Senator Brown added.

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