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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsMalaysia urges Iran to heed UN sanctions: report

Malaysia urges Iran to heed UN sanctions: report

Agence France Presse – Malaysia, the chair of the 57-nation Organisation of the Islamic Conference, called on fellow member Iran not to defy new sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council, a report said Wednesday.

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said he hoped Iran would consider the implications of the sanctions imposed at the weekend, the New Straits Times reported.

"This is a decision by all UN members and it is hoped Iran will abide by it," Abdullah was quoted as saying by the newspaper.

"I hope Iran will study the sanctions. It will be difficult for Iran to defy them," he said.

Abdullah reiterated Malaysia’s stance that countries have a right to nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, but noted Iran’s refusal to heed UN calls for it to suspend its uranium enrichment programme.

"In this case, there are now problems arising that prompted the UN to reach the decision. Iran should act quickly to abide by it," he said.

Mainly Muslim Malaysia shares a range of business and economic ties with Iran, and has in the past urged the West to be patient in dealing with Tehran over its controversial nuclear programme.

The United States charges that the programme is a cover for secretly developing nuclear weapons and has not ruled out military action to prevent this.

Iran insists its programme is aimed exclusively at producing nuclear energy.