Khazaei: Iran at the Verge of a Nuclear Disaster

NCRI – In an interview with Norwegian Verdens Gang news website (VG NETT), Parviz Khazaei, the Representative of National Council of Resistance of Iran in Nordic countries warned if Iranian regime is not stopped, it will acquire nuclear bomb soon.
"We are at the verge of a nuclear disaster. Imagine a religious fascism with nuclear weapons", Mr. Khazaei added. Khazaei: At the Verge of Nuclear Disaster
by: Bjorn Lecomte
Source: VG NETT
July 17, 2007
VG NETT – Parviz Khazaei, the former Iranian ambassador in Norway called on  the EU to act decisively. He told Verdens Gang website: “We are at the verge of a nuclear disaster”.
Parviz Khazaei, the former ambassador of Iran in Norway and Sweden has been with National Coucil of Resistance of Iran(NCRI) and active against the Iranian regime since early 80’s.

Nuclear Weapons in 2 Years
Khazaei told the Verdens Gang website: “I promise you that Iran will have nuclear weapons in 2 years and will maintain the hell they have created for Iranian people unless we pressure them. Unless the EU and U.S. act immediately and decisively, we will be at the verge of a nuclear crisis. Imagine a religious fascism with nuclear weapons and internal fights—with no respect for human life.”

Fundamentalists with Nuclear weapons
He calls on the international community to form a front against this regime.
He says: “It is time for the EU countries to act decisively and put pressure on Iranian regime as they did on South Africa. There is a need for more pressure. We are talking about a regime that suppresses its people and intends to build nuclear weapons which would threaten the world. One day soon, the fundamentalists will acquire nuclear weapons. I don’t understand why European countries do not see this threat”.

They Concede to Iran
Khazaei is against foreign military attack on Iran but he says that he is also against the way other countries are currently dealing with the Islamic regime.

Khazaei says: “I think we are in this situation because the European countries give in to Iran. The regime is shaking hands with their diplomats but continuing to build nuclear weapons”.

Iranians have tried for decades to end the torture and executions. But Mr. Khazaei believes that the activities of the Iranian regime are not limited to its own borders. He says: “Iran is meddling in Iraq and supporting Al-Qaeda and Taliban.”

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