John Kerry urges Iranian regime prove nuclear program is peaceful


US Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday urged the Iranian regime to use “all possible effort” to prove that its nuclear programme was peaceful.

Speaking ahead of talks with his British counterpart, Kerry told reporters: “This is a very critical week obviously in Iran negotiations.”

We hope we get there but we can’t make any predictions,” he added. “It is imperative that Iran works with us with all possible effort to prove to the world that the programme is peaceful”.

Iran and six world powers begin the final round of talks on Tuesday in Vienna, six days before a deadline for a deal with differences still considerable despite months of negotiations.

A senior U.S. official says “very serious gaps” remain in the nuclear talks aimed at reaching a lasting deal over Tehran’s nuclear activities and it wasn’t clear if the differences would be overcome by a November 24 deadline, Reuters reported.

“We have continued to make progress in the course of these negotiations but we still have gaps to close. And we do not yet know if we will be able to do so,” the official said.


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