Kerry to Testify at U.S. House Hearing on Iran Nuclear Deal

U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, announced that Secretary of State John Kerry will testify before the Committee on Tuesday, December 10 to answer questions about the interim agreement on Iran’s nuclear program finalized recently between Iran, the United States, and other leading nations.

Chairman Royce’s website wrote on the hearing: “I continue to have serious concerns that the agreement the Obama Administration negotiated does not meet the standards necessary to protect the United States and our allies. The deal does not roll back Iran’s nuclear program, but instead allows Tehran to keep in place the key elements of its nuclear weapons-making capability. Under the agreement, the international community relieves the sanctions pressure on Iran while its centrifuges continue to enrich uranium. This hearing will be an opportunity for Committee Members of both parties to press Secretary Kerry to explain why the Obama Administration believes this sanctions-easing agreement is the right course.“

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