Kerry delays joining Iran nuclear talks in Vienna


US Secretary of State John Kerry has delayed his trip to Vienna where international negotiators are in final talks with the Iranian regime regarding its nuclear program.

Kerry was expected to arrive in Vienna in the middle of the week as part of the push for a final deal to curb Tehran’s nuclear activities before the jointly agreed November 24 deadline.

US Officials have said substantial differences remain between Iran and Western powers after months of negotiations.

State Department spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, said late on November 18 that Kerry would travel to Vienna “later in the week,” although the exact day has yet to be decided.
Psaki said Kerry would remain in London on November 19 and travel to Paris on the morning of November 20 where he will discuss the Iran negotiations in separate meetings with the Saudi and French foreign ministers.

While in London, Psaki said, Kerry would “continue consulting with both the negotiating team in Vienna” and with U.S. officials in Washington.

Speaking earlier in London, Kerry said it was “imperative that Iran works with us with all possible effort to prove to the world that the program is peaceful”.

“This is a very critical week obviously in Iran negotiations,” he added. “We hope we get there but we can’t make any predictions.”

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