John McCain: Obama makes ‘dangerous’ concessions in Iran deal

Sen. John McCain

NCRI – Commenting on the nuclear agreement announced on Tuesday between the world powers and the Iranian regime, U.S. Senator John McCain, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee, said the Obama Administration has made far too many “dangerous” concessions to the regime.

Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi’s statement on the Iran nuclear deal can be found here.

The following is the full text of Sen. John McCain’s statement:


Jul 14 2015

Washington, D.C. ­– U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) released the following statement on the Iranian nuclear agreement announced today:

“While I will thoroughly review all of the details of this agreement, all signs point to this being a bad deal. The most concerning concessions – on sanctions, sunset, inspections and verification, research and development, and Iran’s enrichment capability, among others – were made long ago. To those concessions, it now appears that the Administration has made still more, especially the repeal of the international arms embargo on Iran. The result, I fear, is that this agreement will strengthen Iran’s ability to acquire conventional weapons and ballistic missiles, while retaining an industrial scale nuclear program, without any basic change to its malign activities in the Middle East.

“Ultimately, the problem with this agreement is that it is built far too much on hope – on the belief that somehow the Iranian government will fundamentally change in the next several years, such that it can be trusted with a growing arsenal, a huge influx of cash, and the infrastructure of a nuclear program. This is delusional and dangerous, especially as we see Iran on the offensive in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and elsewhere in the region. Instead, I fear this agreement could undermine the very goals we have maintained for 35 years – weakening the Islamic Republic, constraining its threatening influence, strengthening Israel and our Arab partners, lessening regional tensions, and preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability.”



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