John Bolton warns of dangerous concessions in Iran nuke deal

 Former US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton

NCRI – Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton has criticized the Obama administration for offering too many concessions to the Iranian regime in the ongoing international nuclear talks.

Amb. Bolton, a former US Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs, made the remarks in an interview with Fox News television on Sunday.

Asked which concession to the regime was most worrying, Amb. Bolton said: “The most important concession from which really all the others flow is allowing Iran to have any uranium enrichment capability whatsoever. That is a sign that Iran has not made a strategic decision to give nuclear weapons. Quite the contrary, it’s a sign that they are determined to have them. The Obama administration leaked some months ago that when Iran simply said that we won’t deal unless we can have uranium enrichment, they accepted it. That was the beginning of the slide downhill, and it’s just been one mistake after another since.”

“The Obama administration position is weaker than the UN Security Council” which has demanded that the Iranian regime halt uranium enrichment activities, Amb. Bolton said.

The Iranian regime and six world powers negotiating in Vienna hope to sign an agreement to give Tehran sanctions relief in exchange for limits on its nuclear program, but the regime’s officials said on Monday talks could run past their latest midnight deadline and success was not guaranteed.

Watch Amb. John Bolton’s interview on Fox News by clicking below:


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