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Japan calls on Iran to avoid isolation

Agence France Presse – Japan urged Iran Friday to drop its uranium enrichment programme, warning it faced international isolation if it failed to do so.

Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso told an Iranian envoy here Tehran must avoid becoming isolated, and should not underestimate the December UN sanctions resolution demanding it stop its uranium enrichment, Jiji Press said.

Aso cited Japan’s isolation from the rest of the world after its 1933 decision to pull out of the League of Nations.

"It is good to avoid isolation from the international society," Jiji quoted him as telling Abbas Araghchi.

Despite being a close US ally, Japan has maintained close trade ties with Iran, which is its third-biggest oil supplier.

Asia’s largest economy has few natural energy resources, making it almost entirely dependent on the Middle East for its oil, of which 15 percent comes from Iran.

Araghchi said Tehran was prepared to negotiate, but rejected calls to stop uranium enrichment.

"We are prepared to ease the concerns of the international society through negotiations," he told Aso, according to Jiji.

"Even if you tell us to give up our rights to enrich uranium and to peaceful use of nuclear, we cannot accept that," he said.

Iran has denied seeking atomic weapons, and asserts it has a right to a peaceful nuclear program.

It has vowed never to yield to the West’s demand for a freeze on sensitive nuclear work.