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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsIran's nuclear programme unstoppable: top commander

Iran’s nuclear programme unstoppable: top commander

Iran's nuclear programme unstoppable: top commander Agence France Presse – Iran’s advanced nuclear programme cannot be stopped by the West, one of the Islamic republic’s top military commanders declared Wednesday.

"Regardless of all the threats, scientists continued their efforts and on April 9 managed to enrich uranium to 3.5 percent," the Iranian armed forces’ joint chief of staff, General Hassan Firouzabadi, was quoted as saying by the ISNA news agency.

"When a people masters nuclear technology and nuclear fuel, nothing can be done against the people. This science is indigenous, and we are capable of making hundreds of (uranium) conversion factories and thousands of centrifuges," he said.
"The West can do nothing and is obliged to extend to us the hand of friendship."