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Iranian resistance urges G8 summit for tougher sanctions on Iran

NCRI – National Council of Resistance of Iran held a press conference today, June 5, in Germany ahead of the G8 summit in the scenic Baltic resort of Heiligendamm. The press conference highlighted the latest attempts by the Mullahs’ regime to acquire nuclear weapons and revealed the financial sources for the program and the latest tactics the Iranian regime is using to evade United Nation sanctions.

In this conference, held at the coastal city of Ostseebad Kuhlungsborn, near the summit gathering, Mr. Javad Dabiran and Mr. Shahin Ghobadi, members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the NCRI, detailed various aspects of regime’s nuclear program, and the progress it has made. They also presented reports on regime’s nuclear activities.

NCRI – National Council of Resistance of Iran held a press conference today, June 5, in Germany ahead of the G8 summit in the scenic Baltic resort of Heiligendamm. The press conference highlighted the latest attempts by the Mullahs’ regime to acquire nuclear weapons and revealed the financial sources for the program and the latest tactics the Iranian regime is using to evade United Nation sanctions.

In this conference, held at the coastal city of Ostseebad Kuhlungsborn, near the summit gathering, Mr. Javad Dabiran and Mr. Shahin Ghobadi, members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the NCRI, detailed various aspects of regime’s nuclear program, and the progress it has made. They also presented reports on regime’s nuclear activities.

In this conference, Mr. Dabiran revealed that one of the main suppliers of funds to the nuclear program is the Qods Razavi Fund whose income amounts to billions of dollars per year.  The foundation directly deposits 11 percent of its proceeds to the Khamanei’s office bank account.  The money is then spent completely outside the official national budget providing funds for the nuclear projects and export of terrorism and fundamentalism.

Shahin Ghobadi revealed new aspects of regime’s tactics to evade UN sanctions.  “The regime has created many cover-up companies in order to continue its illegal procurement operations,” said Ghobadi.

“The missile program pursued by the Iranian Air and Space Organization is currently hit hard by the imposed UN sanctions as they have created many obstacles on the purchasing abilities of this organization,” Continued Ghobadi.

“Our information clearly indicate that despite all concessions and incentives offered by the West, and all repeated appeals for negotiations, the Mullahs will never give-up their pursuit of nuclear bomb,” stressed Javad Dabiran.

“Recent anti-government demonstrations by students, workers and teachers, who rejected the claim that the nuclear program is supported by the Iranian public, showed once again that this program has nothing to do with the Iranian people and their interests.

“Mr. Solana’s persistence on continuing the fruitless negotiations and remarks made by Mr. ElBaradei to permit the Mullahs’ dictatorship to enrich uranium will only embolden the Mullahs to more actively pursue their nuclear ambitions.

 “It is still possible to prevent the Iranian regime from acquiring nuclear weapons,” stressed Dabiran at the end of the press conference asking the heads of the G8 states to “immediately impose comprehensive technological, diplomatic, arms and oil embargo on Iran in order to prevent an international disaster from happenings.”