Iranian regime threatens West with intensifying enrichment if sanctions not removed


NCRI – A senior Iranian lawmaker who is considered to be a confidant of the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is threatening the West by saying that the clerical regime will “revive and speed up nuclear activities, including enrichment” if all sanctions are not removed under a final deal.

Mohammad Hassan Asafari, a member of the parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said if sanctions are not removed “Iran will expedite its nuclear program”, state-run Fars News Agency reported.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the commission said in an interview: “The fact that recent negotiations, including the Muscat talks, failed to bear any results is due to extra demands of the US and unfair sanctions they insist not to be removed all at once”.

Alaeddin Boroujerdi said: ““all sanctions should be removed all at once.”

In response to a question about chances of extending the interim deal, Boroujerdi said “even within such an agreement some of the sanctions should be removed.”

He described ‘red lines’ set by Ali Khamenei as the most important issue and stated that the Supreme National Security Council has been in charge of negotiations and the Parliament is closely watching the talks to prevent any possible mistakes.

Meanwhile The Los Angeles Times reported on Saturday that “the latest obstacle to the U.S. and five other nations finalizing a nuclear deal with Iran by this month’s deadline is an unexpected new demand from Tehran for quick relief from United Nations sanctions.”

“For most of the last nine months of negotiations, Iran and a diplomatic bloc of six world powers have focused on first easing unilateral economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. and European nations. Under the talks, if Iran accepts restrictions intended to prevent it from developing a nuclear weapon, the U.S. and other countries would begin lifting sanctions designed to cripple Iran’s oil and financial industries.”

“The so-called P5-plus-1 bloc, consisting of the five permanent U.N. Security Council members and Germany, prefers to wait until later to remove the U.N. penalties, which were imposed between 2006 and 2010. But in recent weeks, Iran’s negotiators have shifted ground and pressed for quicker relief from the U.N. measures.”

The report added: “Some diplomats say privately that they believe there is now a higher likelihood that the two sides won’t complete a full deal on time and will instead present a “framework” document that lays out a set of agreed-to principles to justify a request for further time for negotiations.”

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