Iranian regime stonewalls UN nuclear investigation

IAEA, ViennaNCRI – The Iranian regime had refused to issue entry visa for one member of United Nation’s nuclear watchdog that visited Tehran August 31 to try to investigate military dimensions of the regime’s nuclear program.

The visa denial marks the third time that the Iranian regime has blocked the entry of an official of The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

In a report released September 5, the IAEA said the participation of all the members of the team it had endorsed is very important.

“Any staff member identified by the agency with the requisite expertise is able to participate in the agency’s technical activities”, the report said.

In a statement distributed to IAEA member states this week, the Iranian regime dismissed criticism by the International Atomic Energy Agency of its refusal to let one its expert into the country.

Reuters news agency reported that the diplomatic sources in Vienna said the regime failure to issue a visa to an IAEA official, that was probably a Western atomic bomb expert, may add to longstanding Western suspicions it is stonewalling the UN agency’s inquiry.

Meanwhile, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) revealed on Wednesday that the Iranian regime has moved a nuclear weaponisation and research and planning center to avoid detection by the United Nations nuclear watchdog.

The NCRI exposed the Iranian regime’s clandestine uranium enrichment plant at Natanz and a heavy water facility at Arak in 2002. It was after this revelation that the Iranian regime acknowledged having an enrichment program.

According to the information from sources inside Iran, the Iranian regime moved the Organisation of Defensive Innovation and Research (SPND) in July to a secure site in a defense ministry complex about 1.5 km (1 mile) from its former location.

To divert attention from key elements of the center the Iranian regime has left “non-sensitive” sections at the old site.

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