Iranian regime says no access to military site in UN nuclear deal

The Iranian regime said Sunday it has not granted the UN atomic watchdog access to the Parchin military site, where experiments relating to nuclear weapons development have occurred.

“Visiting Parchin is not included in the seven steps,” the spokesman for the Iranian regime’s atomic energy organisation, Behrouz Kamalvandi, told the state-run ISNA news agency, referring to elements of an agreement reached Sunday.

The IAEA has been demanding access to the Iranian regime’s sprawling Parchin military base to hunt for clues that it is being used to build an atomic bomb.

The International Atomic Energy Agency said on Sunday the Iranian regime had agreed during talks in Tehran to take seven new practical measures to be implemented, under a November transparency deal with the IAEA.

For the first time, one of them specifically dealt with an issue that is part of the U.N. nuclear agency’s inquiry into ‘the possible military dimensions to Iran’s atomic activities.’

It said Iran would provide “information and explanations for the agency to assess Iran’s stated need or application for the development of Exploding Bridge Wire detonators” – fast-functioning equipment that could be used for nuclear weapons.

Although such detonators have some non-nuclear uses, they can also help set off a nuclear explosive device.

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