Iranian regime’s Majlis would not ratify NPT Additional Protocol, MP says

NCRI – The head of the National Security and Foreign Policy commission at the regime’s parliament says that as long as the US continues with its ‘irrational’ policies, the parliament will not ratify the Additional Protocol and the regime will determine the amount of enrichment itself.

These remarks were in response to a speech of US Secretary of State, John Kerry, demanding the Iranian regime to accept the Additional Protocol allowing access of the inspectors to its nuclear sites.

Alaeddin Boroujerdi said on Monday: ““Therefore, [US Secretary of State] John Kerry should know Majlis [the regime’s parliament] has the authority to decide on this issue.”

In response to other statements by John Kerry to open the doors of Fordo nuclear site to inspectors, head of Iran’s National Security and Foreign Policy commission said that this site is ‘under the supervision’ of IAEA.

He also emphasized that the importance of enriching uranium and its percentage will be determined by the regime and not by John Kerry!

Another member of parliament’s National Security, Mohammad Ismaeil Kousari, said that the centrifuges of this center have been fully installed and the 20 per cent uranium enrichment in this site is in process.

In an interview with U.S. ABC channel, the Iranian regime’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif also said that, “although the Islamic Republic is ready to negotiate with Washington, but the rights to enrich uranium is nonnegotiable.”

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