Iranian regime opens 2 nuclear sites amid stalemate in talks

NCRI- Iranian regime opened new uranium mines and a yellow cake production plant on Tuesday, state news agency IRNA reported.

The development came just days after another round of talks with world powers ended in a stalemate.

In Iran there are uranium mines and the Iranian regime has the ability to turn the raw ore into a material called yellowcake, which is the first step in the enrichment chain.

But the new facilities will give the Iranian regime more capability to use the raw materials and speed up efforts for acquiring nuclear weapons as world powers press for more talks.

The country opened the Saghand 1 and 2 uranium mines in the central city of Yazd and the Shahid Rezaeinejad yellow cake factory, capable of producing 60 tonnes of yellow cake annually, to mark Iran’s National Nuclear Technology Day, IRNA said.



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