Iranian regime: Nuclear deal unlikely by the end of the next deadline

The Iranian regime’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, said on Wednesday that it is unlikely for the clerical regime and the P5+1 countries to reach a final nuclear deal before the expiration of the four-month extension of talks.

Zarif said that even if the Iranian regime and the P5 +1 managed to strike a general agreement before the deadline, they would still need more time to negotiate the details of the deal, according to IRNA.

On Wednesday, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader, who has final say over all state matters within the regime, dismissed the value of direct talks with the U.S.

He said that he supported Zarif and his nuclear negotiation team. “We don’t ban the continuation of nuclear talks and the job that Zarif and his friends began and have moved forward properly,” said Khamenei. But he added, “Sitting down and talking to Americans has absolutely no effect on reducing their animosity and its fruitlessness.”

“Some pretended that if we sit down with Americans at the negotiating table, many of the problems will be resolved. We knew that won’t be the case but developments in the past year proved this reality once again,” state-run TV quoted Khamenei as saying.

On July 19 the Iranian regime and the 5 +1 countries (Russia, UK, USA, France, China and Germany) ended negotiations in Vienna after deciding to give a four month extension until November 24, in order to reach a final agreement on the regime’s nuclear program.

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