Iran: We will work with groups demanding people’s rights – Bush

NCRI – In a press conference on Thursday, the U.S. President George Bush addressed the Iranian regime’s nuclear threat and said: "I do believe people ought to be able to be allowed to have civilian nuclear power. However, I don’t believe non-transparent regimes that threaten the security of the world should be allowed to gain the technologies necessary to make a weapon. And the Iranians have said, we want a weapon."

The president stressed: "It’s not in the world’s interest that they have a weapon. And so we are working hard to continue the diplomacy necessary to send a focused message to the Iranian government, and that is, your desires for a weapon are unacceptable. Part of that is — part of that diplomacy was to provide an acceptable alternative to the Iranian desire to have a civilian nuclear power industry."

In response to a question as to what extent the United States supported the Iranian people, and if he supported expedited legislation, or a move that would send resources to such groups in Iran that might hasten regime change or democratic reform, he said: "We will support freedom movements all around the world. I constantly talked about today’s reformers will be tomorrow’s leaders, and therefore, we will work with groups that demand for people to be given the natural rights of men and women, and that right is to live in a free society."

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