Iran: : ‘We must change our nuclear policy,’ regime expert warns as fears grow over more sanctions

Iran: :'We must change our nuclear policy,' regime expert warns as fears grow over more sanctionsNCRI – An “expert” for the Iranian regime echoed growing worries about the implementation of the recently passed sanctions by the UN Security Council, the European Union and the US government against the clerical dictatorship, saying that Europe and US have enacted new sanctions while China and Russia have welcomed oil and gas sanctions. He called for a change in policy and behavior when it comes to the theocracy’s nuclear program.

Speaking with the state-run ILNA on June 20, Jalal Sadatian, who was introduced as an expert of strategic management for the regime, added, “(In view of) the recent EU resolution for sanctions on Iranian oil industry and also the US Senate bill calling for limiting gasoline imports and exports … it seems that China and Russia, after voting in favor of [UN Security Council] resolution 1929, have sided with EU and the US to bless sanctions on Iran’s oil and gas sector.”

Sadatian dismissed claims by the regime’s parliament speaker, Ali Larijani, who proposed to take 20 percent enriched uranium as the new baseline, and warned, “One cannot improve the country’s nuclear project with stubbornness. Our officials must change their behavior by adopting new approaches to pave the way for achieving our rights.”

“Sadly,” he added, “Europe and the US have launched new sanctions. They look with doubt at our emphasis on continuing the negotiation track with the P5+1 regarding the fuel swap deal.”

The regime’s expert on strategic management highlighted the regime’s weak and desperate position, adding, “If we want to resolve the current discussions about the country’s nuclear dossier and return it to a normal state, we must implement certain changes in our nuclear policy.”

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