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Iran: Vigilance needed to stop mullahs’ reversing nuclear retreat

By: Elahe Azimfar

On November 24, at 4:15 a.m. Paris time, President Barack Obama announced an agreement reached with the Iranian regime on the nuclear issue, calling it a halt to the Iranian nuclear program.

The agreement was of course a retreat by the mullah’s regime, pressured by international sanctions, as well as the nuclear revelations of the Iranian Resistance and the domestic isolation of the regime during the past three decades.

International sanctions brought the regime’s economy to bankruptcy. The Iranian Resistance’s repeated revelations, three of which were at the time of Hassan Rouhani, left no space for the regime’s deceptive manoeuvres. The regime’s overt and covert nuclear projects have only resulted in greater poverty for the Iranian people.

Only those forces loyal to the regime like Pasdaran (Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp) and Basijis (Paramilitary Basij forces), with their families numbering a maximum of 3 to 4 million out of Iran’s population of 80 million, chant rhetoric in favour of the nuclear program to create a false image that the entire Iranian population supports it.

In fact, in such circumstances, had the world powers acted more decisively during the recent negotiations, they could have dismantled the regime’s bomb-making program in its entirety.

But it seems instead that they are impressed by a clever charade performed by Rouhani that he is a true reformist whose moderate efforts are being obstructed and hindered by hard-liners in Tehran, and therefore he seriously needs the backing of Western leaders to enable him to overcome the zealots of Ali Khamenei.

While the world powers are naively joyful that they have found a reformist friend in Iran, it is interesting to know what Rouhani and his smiling foreign minister are telling the Iranian media about the deal.

The Geneva deal has been described by pro-Khamenei elements in the regime’s parliament as a chalice of poison which is being presented by Rouhani as a sweet syrup.

Rouhani told the Iranian media that the deal had recognized Iran’s right to enrich. He also promised in an interview with state-run TV on November 26 that the centrifuges will go on spinning.

Furthermore, as reported by the state-run news agency ILNA on November 27, while reporting to the regime’s parliament on Geneva deal, his foreign minister Javad Zarif said: “The other party accepted that Iran will continue to enrich uranium and the sanctions will be lifted.” These show very well that the 5+1 has not been tough enough with the mullahs’ negotiators.

Whether the West likes it or not, the past record tell us what to do at present and in the future. The clerical regime has never volunteered to report its nuclear activities to the IAEA in the past, even when Rouhani himself was the main nuclear negotiator; the Iranian Resistance was the first party to reveal the regime’s clandestine facilities and its nuclear deception.

Without these revelations, the international community would have faced a surprise nuclear bomb in the hands of the insane mullahs in Tehran. Therefore, it is a common sense not to trust them and closely monitor them on a daily basis.

Let us face reality. No matter what Rouhani says, this regime cannot be trusted. The best way the world can ensure that Iran’s nuclear weapons program is truly halted is to stay vigilant, get them to implement every single item of the agreement and force them to halt uranium enrichment completely, and agree to the Additional Protocol and the IAEA inspectors’ unhindered access to suspected nuclear centers and facilities. These are the benchmarks that must be kept in mind for Iranian regime to be tested.

To those who think that they are destined to make a deal with mullahs on this issue, let us remind the world that this regime views obtaining a nuclear bomb as a strategic guarantee for its survival, while the Iranian Resistance movement and the people of Iran favour a non-nuclear Iran. For world peace and security, the West should look to them.