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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsIran: State-run daily is pessimistic about Russia and China on sanctions

Iran: State-run daily is pessimistic about Russia and China on sanctions

NCRI – Simultaneous with debates on a new round of sanctions against the Iranian regime by the permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany, the state-run daily Kayhan voiced worry in its editorial on Thursday that China and Russia will eventually agree to new sanctions.

The editorial stressed that the opposition expressed by China and Russia to UN security council resolutions is merely a negotiation tactic to obtain more concessions. It added, “How likely would any new deals be? The answer is as long as the Americans are ready to offer concessions. How is the opposition carried out? Only in terms of delaying the resolutions and their content and not in terms of opposing the resolutions in principle. This shows that those two countries are focused on deal making, except if the contrary becomes essential."

Kayhan added, “There is a predominant mistake whereby some people conjecture that China will ultimately not agree with sanctions or veto the resolutions. This will not happen. China and Russia have only used their veto powers in the limited circumstances related to their national security. Iran is a strategic issue for Russia and China, but not a national security matter.”

The daily also attempted to play down the effects of sanctions in order to raise morale among the regime’s forces.