Iran should end ‘threats and confrontation’ – White House

NCRI – The White House on Monday condemned "threats and confrontation" from Iranian regime after Tehran said it would restart sensitive nuclear work. "The actions and comments coming out of the regime only further isolate it from the rest of the world," spokesman Scott McClellan said after Iran said it had formally notified the UN nuclear watchdog agency of its decision.

"The international community has spelled out very clearly the steps that the regime needs to take, and so far all we see is continued threats and confrontation rather than diplomacy and cooperation," he added.

Tehran said earlier that it had formally notified the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that it would resume uranium enrichment, as senior Iranian officials played down the threat of sanctions or military strikes.

"Those who planned the IAEA’s board of governors meeting against Iran should pay for their behavior," top Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani was quoted as saying by the ISNA news agency.

Iranian regime’s threats are but a natural reaction to a lack of firmness towards its outlaw behavior. As it has been stressed all along in the past 25 years by the Iranian Resistance, the mullahs’ regime only understands the language of force. Any sign of weakness would only embolden the fundamentalist regime to continue with its threats and violations of international norms and regulations.

The Iranian Resistance’s President-elect has emphasized that the definitive solution to the growing threats from the Iranian regime to peace and democracy in the region and the world is democratic change in Iran. She, therefore, stressed the necessity of removing the main obstacle to such change, which is the terror designation against the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran and the necessity to support the National Council of Resistance of Iran as the Iranian people’s legitimate resistance movement.

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