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Iran says no suspension offer in EU talks

Agence France Presse – Iran on Sunday denied it had made any offer to suspend uranium enrichment in talks between EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana and its top nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani.

Foreign ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini dismissed "reports of a suspension of uranium enrichment by us" in the talks on the nuclear crisis as "merely guesswork".

There had been conflicting reports over whether Iran made an offer in the EU talks to suspend enrichment for a limited time, with some EU diplomats suggesting it had proposed a two-month suspension of the sensitive process.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran wants to have negotiations and dialogue in order to reach a just solution that ensures Iran’s legitimate rights and (Iran) is patiently pursuing this," Hosseini added.

The foreign ministry also warned its arch foe the United States, which is leading a drive to take the issue to the Security Council and has expressed fear Iran could be stalling, not to interfere in the process.

"Some parties’ haste to use illogical means, push the nuclear dossier along the path of bullying, employ useless expressions about ‘buying time’ or setting an unreal deadline is contrary to the current trend," the spokesman said.

Larijani and Solana failed to reach an agreement at their latest talks last week in Berlin but Hosseini described the process as "constructive" and expressed hope the trend would continue.