Iran-Russia: Iranians call on Russia to refer mullahs’ nuclear file to U.N. Security Council

NCRI, October 20 – Russia was urged to help refer the Iranian regime’s nuclear dossier to the United Nations Security Council by Iranians who gathered in Berlin outside the country’s embassy on Wednesday.

Dozens of supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran also called for an end to the policy of appeasement vis-à-vis the clerical regime and the enforcement of an oil embargo to compel the regime to fulfill its international obligations.

The participants in this gathering condemned human rights violations in Iran and stressed that the mullahs needed nuclear weapons to further their terrorist ambitions.

The Iranians also blamed Europe’s policy of appeasement for the emergence of ultra conservative elements in Iran which were pressing for greater brutality inside the country and export of terrorism and fundamentalism to the world in order to maintain their faltering rule.

They described the terror label against the PMOI, the main Iranian opposition, as the major obstacle to democratic change in Iran and called for its immediate removal.

A delegation of Iranians were received by Russian embassy officials. The delegation conveyed the demands of the gathering to embassy officials to be transmitted to the Russian government.

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