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Iran Regime Still Seeking Nuke Technology According to German Intelligence


NCRI – The Iranian Regime is seeking nuclear weapons technology according to German intelligence released over the past two months.

The evidence shows that the Iranian Regime’s continued pursuit of nuclear weapons and advanced missile technology is in direct defiance of both the 2015 nuclear deal and UN resolutions.

The report read: “There is no evidence of a complete about-face in Iran’s atomic policies in 2016” [after the Islamic Republic signed the JCPOA accord with world powers in 2015, designed to curb Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief]. Iran sought missile carrier technology necessary for its rocket program.”

The report from the Hamburg-based federal domestic intelligence agency (FDIA) also revealed that the Regime has been spying on Jewish and Israeli institutions.

It read: “The State of Israel, its representatives and supporters as well as members of the Jewish religious community are among the declared enemies of Iran. Even the agreement made between Iran and the Western world to settle the nuclear conflict has not changed this attitude. Therefore, Iranian intelligence-related organisations continue to spy on (pro-) Jewish and Israeli targets in Germany.”

The report cited the federal prosecution of three German citizens for who supplied 51 special valves that could be used for Iran’s sanctioned Arak heavy water reactor, which could be used to create plutonium for nuclear weapons, to an Iranian company, in violation of Germany’s export laws.

The report also noted that Iran had promised to dismantle that facility following the nuclear deal, but this has not yet happened.

A report from the Baden-Württemberg FDIA, said: “Regardless of the number of national and international sanctions and embargoes, countries like Iran, Pakistan and North Korea are making efforts to optimise corresponding technology.”

It continued: “[Iran sought] products and scientific know-how for the field of developing weapons of mass destruction as well missile technology.”

This report cited 49 instances of the Iranian Regime’s illicit cyberware, espionage, terrorism and attempts to procure weapons of mass destruction.

It revealed that in one case, the Iranian Regime had used a Chinese front company to evade detection and buy technology that would aid Iran’s development of ballistic missiles. Luckily, this was caught by German Intelligence officials.

A report from the Rhineland-Palatinate FDIA, said: “[In 2016,] German companies located in Rhineland-Palatinate were contacted for illegal procurement attempts by [Pakistan, North Korea and Iran]. The procurement attempts involved goods that were subject to authorization and approval on account of legal export restrictions and UN embargoes. These goods, for example, could be used for a state’s nuclear and missile programs.”