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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsIran regime sought illicitly to obtain parts for nuclear reactor

Iran regime sought illicitly to obtain parts for nuclear reactor


NCRI – Just over two weeks after the group of 5+1 countries failed to reach a comprehensive deal to rein in the Iranian regime’ nuclear program, the clerical regime has sought illicitly to obtain parts for the Arak heavy water complex.

The report by the online Foreign Policy magazine revealed on Monday that the US had privately told a UN panel of experts monitoring sanctions of the Iranian regime’s illicit efforts.

Foreign Policy said the US allegations were laid out in a November 7 report by a panel of experts that advises the UN Security Council committee which oversees compliance with UN sanctions on Iran.

A delegation told the panel it had seen “an increase in procurement on behalf of the IR-40 Heavy Water Research Reactor at Arak.”

The United Stated on Monday renewed its fears about the Iranian regime stepping up efforts to finish the reactor that its future is one of the main issues in the nuclear talks.

“It’s not breaking news that we are concerned about Iran’s procurement activities,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

Under that interim deal reached in November 2013, the Iranian regime agreed to freeze parts of their nuclear enrichment program in return for the release of billions of dollars in frozen oil revenues.

The existence of a secret nuclear facility at Arak was first revealed by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in a press conference in Washington DC, in mid-August 2002.

Last month, at a press conference in Brussels, Mohammad Mohaddessin, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) revealed that the Iranian regime has not halted its military nuclear program, even as nuclear negotiations with the West continue in Vienna.

Mr Mohaddessin said: “From the outset the Iranian regime’s objective has been to obtain a nuclear bomb. Peaceful nuclear energy has never been the objective of the nuclear projects.”
He revealed a secret document that Iranian Resistance sources had obtained from inside the regime that dates back to 2004.

Mr Mohaddessin said: “The secret report… shows that even the Iranian regime’s loyal Parliament learned of the Natanz and Arak sites only after their disclosure by the Iranian Resistance,” based on the information obtained by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).