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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsIran regime reacts hysterically to NCRI revealing North Korea nuclear link

Iran regime reacts hysterically to NCRI revealing North Korea nuclear link


The revelations made on Thursday by the National Council of Resistance of Iran that the regime in Tehran and the government of North Korea have extensively exchanged information and delegations of experts in the fields of nuclear weapons and nuclear warhead design as recently as late April 2015, has angered the mullahs ruling in Iran.

The state-run news outlets in Iran quoted “an informed source at Iran’s embassy in France” flatly rejecting the revelations by the NCRI that has been widely covered across the globe.

“The story has been published on the basis of completely wrong information and acts of falsification by the notorious and mercenary group of Monafeqin (the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK),” the reports quoted the source.

“It is predictable that such fake reports surge as we get closer to the deadline of nuclear talks and the chance of achieving a comprehensive agreement is increased,” the source added.

The Iranian regime and the government of North Korea have extensively exchanged information and delegations of experts in the fields of nuclear weapons and nuclear warhead design as recently as late April 2015, information obtained by the Iranian opposition movement the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) reveals.

According to the information from various sources inside of the clerical regime, a delegation from North Korea including experts in nuclear warhead, and various elements of ballistic were present in the country for one week at the end of April.

The information obtained by the PMOI (MEK) network is based on dozens of reports from various sources inside of the clerical regime, in particular from the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the Ministry of Defense (MoD), the Organization of Defensive Innovation and Research (SPND), which is in charge of working on the weaponization aspect of the nuclear program, and also the Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO).

Due to high security sensitivities, the nuclear and missile delegations from North Korea both enter and leave Iran in total secrecy. The revelations provided detailed information on the exact location of the place where North Koreans stayed in the country.

Those that visited this year stayed in the special guest house of the AIO near a Hemat Industries site in the Khojeir area, located in North-east of Tehran.

According to complied reports, delegations of experts and commanders of the IRGC and MoD, particularly those in the fields of nuclear and missile-related activities visit North Korea regularly.

The Iranian resistance exposed the activities and work on a nuclear warhead in Khojeir area in February 2008.

The next delegation of North Korean experts is scheduled to arrive in Iran in June and will be comprised of nine experts.

Mr. Shahin Gobadi, PMOI spokesman, said of the revelation: “the information reveals another aspect of the Iranian regime’s secret nuclear weapons program. It is another indication that so far as the clerical regime is concerned, it has no intention of giving up its nuclear weapons program and that the drive to acquire nuclear weapons remains at the core of the regime’s nuclear program. This is the message of extensive cooperation with North Korea and presence of Tehran’s key nuclear figure during North Korean nuclear test.”

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