Iran regime presses again for its nuclear ambitions

Nuclear plant in Iran


NCRI – Foreign minister of the Iranian regime, Manouchehr Mottaki, described international monitoring of its secret nuclear programs as “nuclear apartheid” and refused once again cooperation with world body on Monday.

He said that the regime was ready to discuss its nuclear program, "but that does not mean that we are waiting for any country’s permission” to acquire nuclear capability.

The clerical regime insists on producing enriched uranium, vital for nuclear power plants or bombs. The regime kept its nuclear program secret for 18 years raising skepticism on its intentions but yet Mottaki insisted that the regime’s nuclear program was transparent.

The spokesman for the mullahs’ foreign ministry refused earlier the offer by Russia to enrich uranium for the regime in that country.

In a statement on December 21, Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, described the nuclear talks between the EU and the Iranian regime, as affording opportunity to the ruling clerics in Iran in their pursuit of nuclear weapons. He said that the clerical regime has used the three years of negotiations to deceive, conceal and buy time.

Mohaddessin added that the only way to rid the region and the world from the dangers of the terrorist regime in Iran, which actively pursues the acquisition of nuclear weapons, was change in Iran. The obstacle to democratic change which can only be achieved by the Iranian people has been the policy of appeasement by Western countries.

He concluded: “The correct policy vis-à-vis the Iranian regime’s nuclear program is to halt all negotiations and immediately refer its file to the United Nations Security Council for adoption of comprehensive sanctions.”

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