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HomeIran News NowIran Regime Nuclear Program: A Means of Survival or Hanging Noose?

Iran Regime Nuclear Program: A Means of Survival or Hanging Noose?

Iran, IRGC, Iran Protests, nuclear, mek, ncri


The Iranian regime has been trying to obtain nuclear weapons as part of its survival strategy. After the 1979 revolution, once Iranians, particularly youth, rejected the mullahs’ medieval system, parallel to systematic oppression, the Iranian regime started seeking nuclear weapons technology as an insurance policy against its eventual downfall.

If it had obtained nuclear weapons, the world would be now facing an aggressive, virulently sectarian, and repressive religious fascism with nuclear weapons capability. But, due to the Iranian Resistance’s revelations, it now faces a deadlock in reaching its goal.

Iran, IRGC, Iran Protests, mek, nuclear, ncri
Alireza Jafarzadeh, the Deputy Director of the Washington office of the NCRI, reveals the Iranian regime’s nuclear program

On August 2002, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) revealed the existence of the Natanz uranium enrichment site and Arak Heavy Water facility for the first time. The NCRI’s revelation unveiled the extent to which the regime’s clandestine nuclear weapons work had advanced. This development and the NCRI’s revelations in subsequent years triggered inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and ensuing measures by the United Nations Security Council.

The NCRI’s largest constituent group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), had obtained the information about the regime’s nuclear activities, through its vast network inside Iran.

If it was not for the NCRI and MEK’s revelations, the mullahs would have had the bomb by now, and the fate of the Middle East and the world would not be the same.

Recently, the regime’s state media and officials, following the activation of the snapback mechanism, started whining and acknowledging the MEK’s role in revealing the mullahs’ nuclear ambitions.

The Iranian regime reluctantly agreed to the IAEA’s request to visit two nuclear sites following international pressure. Therefore, Mr. Rafael Grossi, Director General of the IAEA, traveled to Tehran on August 26.


Right after his visit to Iran, Mr. Grossi accused Tehran of violating the 2015 Iran nuclear deal with world powers, formally known of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA; and unauthorized accumulation of enriched uranium, installation of centrifuges and unauthorized increase of enrichment percentage.

The state-run Aftab news agency on September 14 wrote: “The important point is that the all the accusations and conspiracy of the U.S. and the IAEA are based on the reports of the most hostile enemies of the system, the MEK.”

“To find out the origin of this conspiracy, we have to go back to August 2002. At that time, the MEK in Washington D.C., by using propaganda, identified the Natanz and Arak sites, which were places for the peaceful use of the Islamic Republic’s nuclear energy, as ‘dangerous sites for the nuclear weapons project.’”

In addition, Hamid Baeidinejad, the regime’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, had previously said: “The U.S. intelligence services and the MEK started a project to accuse Tehran of trying to obtain nuclear weapons. In this regard, they produced thousands of documents and pictures and sent them all to the IAEA.”


The United States Department of State in its 2020 report referred to the efforts of the Iranian Resistance in exposing Tehran’s nuclear program.

“Iran has conducted research, in some cases extensively, in several enrichment technologies, including gas centrifuge, and laser isotope separation. In August 2002, an Iranian opposition group revealed the existence of two covert nuclear facilities under construction in Iran – a heavy water production plant at Arak and a “fuel production” plant at Natanz,” read the report.

“In February 2003, an Iranian opposition group alleged publicly that Chinese experts were continuing to work at Iran’s Saghand uranium mine as supervisors,” the report added.

In other words, the regime needed obtaining nuclear weapons to prolong its life. But the Iranian Resistance’s revelations not only prevented this regime from obtaining nuclear weapons; they also brought more international pressure on the regime.

To this end, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the NCRI’s president-elect, on June 19 said that the mullahs’ regime, “has never give up the project to acquire an atomic bomb and continues the deception and concealment. The regime uses all the facilities and concessions that the nuclear deal has given it to pursue terrorism, foreign warfare and domestic repression.”

Mrs. Rajavi added that activating the trigger mechanism, reinstating six Security Council resolutions, completely halting enrichment, closing the nuclear sites, and anywhere, anytime inspections are imperative in preventing Iran’s ruling religious fascism from acquiring the atomic bomb.

On September 19, during an international conference and on the eve of the activation of the snapback mechanism, Mrs. Rajavi said: The Iranian Resistance has been exposing the regime’s secret nuclear, missile and chemical projects since three decades ago. We seek a non-nuclear Iran that can live in peace and solidarity with its neighbors.