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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsIran regime needs nuclear arms to expand its rule - Vienna rally

Iran regime needs nuclear arms to expand its rule – Vienna rally

Iran regime needs nuclear arms to expand its rule - Vienna rallyNCRI – At the end of a rally in Vienna today, Iranians called on the IAEA board of governors to refer the clerical regime to the UN Security Council for tough measures. The following is the declaration adopted by the demonstrators:

We are gathered here in Vienna today at a time when the medieval dictatorship ruling Iran is flouting the wide-ranging international consensus requiring it to halt its nuclear activities. The regime has resumed uranium enrichment in Natanz in a direct challenge to the world community and has clearly demonstrated its ominous ambitions for acquiring nuclear weapons.


The regime has at the same time increased its fundamentalist meddling and sponsorship of terrorism in other states, and is doing its utmost to dominate Iraq and install another client religious dictatorship in that country. To this end, the mullahs shipped millions of rigged voting ballots to be used in the recent Iraqi parliamentary elections and bribed and blackmailed local election observers to endorse the victory of candidates loyal to them.

An unprecedented wave of suppression has swept Iran recently. The cruel suppression of the heroic strike of transit workers in Tehran last week indicated another turning point in the rising domestic unrest in Iran. Hundreds of transit company employees were brutally beaten and injured by the regime’s security forces. Security forces and intelligence agents were deployed to many parts of Tehran and over 1200 transit workers and their wives and children were arrested and taken to unknown detention centers.

In the six months since Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s appointment as president by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, at least 160 prisoners have been hanged or sentenced to death. Daily arrests sweep the capital city and many other cities in Iran. Iranian youth and women are under increasing attack by the regime’s religious vice squads.

The present circumstances are a direct result of the shameful appeasement policy that the West adhered to particularly in Europe under the pretext of supporting moderates in Iran. But the truth remains that this policy was only a way of justifying the West’s economic interests in Iran and signing huge profit-making contracts with the clerical regime.

The regime’s European partners have now realized that the mullahs have used the time given them by the appeasement policy to pursue and complete their nuclear ambitions, and have failed to honor the many promises they had made in the past. They have also used the opportunity to suppress the Iranian people, interfere in Iraq, eliminate their internal rivals and thus pose the greatest challenge yet to international peace and security. The regime’s Supreme Leader last week stressed that, “The Islamic Republic of Iran is now a member of the world’s nuclear club.” He insisted on the continuation of the regime’s nuclear program and said the world “cannot influence the will” of the regime.

We declare,

1. The clerical regime’s emphasis on continuing its nuclear program reflects its evil designs to obtain nuclear weapons and challenge the will of the International community. Acquiring nuclear arms is part of the mullahs’ strategy of survival and to preserve the medieval theocratic regime. Another aspect of this is to be able to export terrorism and fundamentalism to the Islamic world, especially to Iraq in order to dominate that country as well as opposing peace in the Middle East.

2. The clerical regime’s threats to peace and tranquility are the other side of the increasing trend of flagrant violations of human rights. The policy of appeasement in the past two decades, and especially the terrorist tag and pressures against the main component of the Iranian Resistance, the People’s Mojahedin has acted as biggest barrier against change in Iran. This policy has not only greatly harmed the Iranian people but has given it free rein to meddle in the affairs of other countries, particularly Iraq. In a statement last April, 2.8 million Iraqis said the pressures and restriction placed upon the People’s Mojahedin has "disrupted the strategic balance of power in this sensitive region of the world."

3. The experience of the past three years testifies to the need for the immediate review of the Iranian regime’s nuclear file in the Security Council and the imposition of comprehensive sanctions against them as well as removing the terrorist label against the PMOI. Further delay gives the mullahs greater opportunity to build a nuclear bomb.

4. Today, the world has recognized that the definitive solution to end the great challenge the mullahs pose to world security is democratic change. This change will come about not through appeasement, nor through a foreign war. The key for change is in the hand of the Iranian people and their organized resistance, that has been striving for freedom and popular sovereignty in the past quarter century.

5. The Iranian people and resistance stand for liberty. It is time to Europe and America to stand with them by abandoning the policy of appeasement. The first step to this end is the removal of the terrorist label against the PMOI. Thousands of the elected representatives of the people of America and Europe as well as hundreds of the most pre-eminent international law experts have stressed that the terror label has no legal, political and moral justification.

6. In addition to its ominous nuclear programs, the files on the Iranian regime’s export of terrorism and human rights abuses, including the execution of 120,000 dissidents, must also be taken up by the Security Council. Tehran regime’s leaders must face an international tribunal for their crimes against humanity.