Iran regime continues to reject inspections of military sites


The Iranian regime has expressed outright opposition to the notion of inspection of military sites and access to nuclear scientists for interviews, a senior negotiator has said.

Speaking to reporters after three days of nuclear talks in the Austrian capital of Vienna, Abbas Araqchi said the idea of access to his regime’s military sites or interviews with nuclear scientists is not on the agenda of negotiations with the Group 5+1 countries, state-run Tasnim news agency reported.

“What the Supreme Leader [Ali Khamenei] said about prohibition of access to individuals (nuclear scientists) for interviews and also prohibition of visiting or inspecting military centers is a very serious and decisive instruction and the other side has been clearly informed that this is by no way on our agenda,” Araqchi added.

On May 20, Khamenei who has the final say on most important policy issues, said: “We will not allow any alien inspection of our military sites. They say we must come and interview your scientists… I will not permit foreigners to come and sit down and talk to our scientists… Giving this permission is out of question. The only way to confront the brazen enemy is with firm determination and lack of submission.”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, made the following comment in this regard: “Khamenei’s remarks and his regime’s conducts which coincide with the nuclear talks, reaffirm the fact that force and firmness are the only language the mullahs’ regime understands. After three decades of concealment and deception, adding six or nine months to the breakout time, does not comprise a solution. Only the stringent implementation of UN Security Council resolutions can definitely prevent the regime from gaining access to the nuclear bomb. Placating negotiations with this religious fascism will not secure the world from the threat of nuclear-armed mullahs but will further incite their danger to the peoples of Iran, region and the world by giving time to the terrorist mullahs.”

Mrs. Rajavi added: “The nuclear bomb guarantees the Iranian regime’s survival and is requisite to its hegemony over the region. This is why the people of Iran earnestly oppose this program and the Iranian Resistance calls for a democratic and non-nuclear Iran.”

The comment from the Iranian negotiator came as diplomats in Vienna said on Friday the UN’s atomic agency will be reporting a standstill in attempts to investigate the military dimension of the regime’s nuclear program, in an assessment later Friday, May 29, according to the Associated Press.


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