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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear News"Iran regime consistently shows that it must not be trusted"

“Iran regime consistently shows that it must not be trusted”


The Iranian regime and North Korea connection revealed by the Iranian Resistance once again proves that after three decades of concealment and deception, adding six or nine months to the nuclear breakout time as a result of the P5+1 negotiations will not lead to a lasting solution, Alireza Jafarzadeh, the deputy director of the Washington office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran says.

“Washington needs to rethink its strategy in dealing with the Iranian regime; a strategy that would eliminate, not delay, the regime’s ability to build the bomb, because Tehran consistently shows that it must not be trusted. Any nuclear agreement with Tehran, which would leave open a pathway to the nuclear bomb, must be rejected. To that end, Congress might have its biggest role to play,” Jafarzadeh added.

Jafarzadeh, who exposed the Iranian regime’s nuclear sites in Natanz and Arak in 2002 which triggered International Atomic Energy Agency inspections wrote in an article:

“For years, the conventional wisdom has been that Iran and North Korea have long cooperated in missile technology, giving the perception of not so dangerous of an alliance. That was until last week. In yet another groundbreaking revelation, Iran’s main opposition movement, the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) provided information that Iran and North Korea have been engaged in extensive exchange of information and visits by experts on nuclear weapons and nuclear warhead design, as recently as April 2015.”

“The MEK, based on information obtained by its network inside Iran, provided a detailed account of a visit to North Korea in 2013 by Tehran’s top nuclear weapons experts headed by elusive Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who was present during the last nuclear test conducted by North Korea.”

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