Iran Regime Announces It Will Enrich Uranium ‘at Any Level’

Iran Regime Announces It Will Enrich Uranium 'at Any Level'

The Iranian regime said on Sunday it is fully prepared to enrich uranium at any level and with any amount, in further violation of its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

In a news conference broadcast live, senior regime officials said Tehran would keep reducing its commitments every 60 days unless signatories of the pact moved to protect it from U.S. sanctions.

“In a few hours the technical process will come to an end and the enrichment beyond 3.67% will begin,” said Behrouz Kamalvandi, the spokesman for Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation.

“And tomorrow early in the morning, when the IAEA (U.N. nuclear watchdog) takes the sample we would have gone beyond 3.67%.”

Under the deal, the Iranian regime was permitted to enrich uranium to 3.67% fissile material, well below the 20% it was reaching before the deal and the roughly 90% suitable for a nuclear weapon.

Kamalvandi claimed Iran’s regime would enrich uranium for use in fuelling its Bushehr power plant, to the level of 5%, confirming what Reuters reported on Saturday.

“We are fully prepared to enrich uranium at any level and with any amount,” he said.

At the news conference in Tehran, Abbas Araqchi, the regime’s senior nuclear negotiator, claimed European countries are “responsible” for the regime’s breaches of the nuclear deal.

“The doors of diplomacy are open but what matters are new initiatives which are required,” he said.

Based in part on wire reports

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