Iran regime accelerates uranium enrichment activities, diplomats say

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Sample ImageNCRI- Iran regime has begun installing advanced centrifuges in Natanz Site, its main uranium enrichment facility, Reuters quoted diplomats in Vienna on Thursday.

Western diplomats with access to intelligence said after an installation pause of several months in Natanz, Iran regime has now introduced more than 300 more centrifuges, some of them improved versions and some the earlier model, the report added.

According to the report, diplomats said the ratio of (new to old) centrifuges is not yet clear but Iranian regime intent appeared to be to produce "to the maximum" with the advanced machine by gradually phasing out its predecessor, thus accelerating activity that could give it the means to make atom bombs in future if it chooses.

The Natanz nuclear site is one of the two secret Iranian regime's nuclear sites that were revealed by the Iranian Resistance in August 2002. The revelations triggered International Atomic Energy Agency inspections of the Iranian regime's secret nuclear program.

On February 24, quoting Ahamadinejad’s remarks, the official news agency IRNA said, “The nuclear crisis in its new form began in the beginning of the summer of 2002, when the Monafeqin [the term used by the Iranian regime to describe the people's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)], published a report on Natanz and Arak nuclear sites. The International Atomic Energy Agency got involved… and resolutions were adopted one after the other.”

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