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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsIran regime abruptly cancels IAEA meeting

Iran regime abruptly cancels IAEA meeting

NCRI – Iran regime’s nuclear negotiator abruptly cancelled Monday’s planned meeting with the head of International Atomic Energy Agency without giving any reason, the state-run news agency IRNA reported on Sunday.

A senior diplomat in Vienna said that IAEA head Mohamed ElBaradei likely planned to use the meeting with Gholam Reza Aghazadeh, the head of Iran regime's nuclear program, to renew a request for more information on Tehran regime’s efforts to make nuclear arms, Associated Press reported.

An IAEA official told AP that the cancelation is a blow to the U.N. monitor's efforts to investigate Iran regime’s effort to make nuclear arms.

Last week, Ahmadinejad, regime’s president announced that “the process of installing 6,000 advanced centrifuges started” at uranium enrichment plant in Natanz.

His remarks were considered as a clear indication of the clerical regime's accelerating drive to obtain the nuclear bomb.

The five permanent members of the UN Security Council, along with Germany, will meet on Wednesday to discuss the Iranian regime’s nuclear issue.