Iran-Nuclear: UN nuclear watchdog chief says Iran must be more transparent

Agence France Presse, WASHINGTON, November 7 – UN nuclear watchdog chief Mohamed ElBaradei has called on Iran to be more transparent about its atomic energy program to ease international fears that it is aiming to obtain a nuclear weapon.

At an international nongovernmental conference here marking the 60th anniversary of the first official nonproliferation proposal, ElBaradei said Tehran must come clean on its nuclear intentions.
"Over the past two and half years, we have compiled a detailed picture of most aspects of Iran’s past and current nuclear program," ElBaradei said, according to an advance transcript of his remarks.
"But given that the program was concealed for nearly 20 years, and that a number of open questions remain, the responsibility rests with Iran to provide, if needed, additional transparency measures," ElBaradei said.
The UN’s nuclear watchdog chief is due to meet US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Tuesday. Rice has said Washington — which views Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism — is opposed to Iran obtaining nuclear weapons.
ElBaradei said that improved transparency from Tehran would "enable the (UN) agency to resolve these questions, and to provide the required assurance about the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program."

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