Iran: Nuclear talks to resume in early September, regime says

The Iranian regime’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson said on Wednesday the nuclear talks with six world powers would resume in early September.

Marzieh Afkham said: “September 1 has been set for the first round of talks during the extended period.”

The preliminary accord had been due to expire on Sunday but was extended with some adjustments, after the talks failed during negotiations in Vienna to meet a self-imposed July 20 deadline for a long-term deal to end the decade-old nuclear standoff.

The UN Security Council resolutions on Iranian regime nuclear program, calls for a complete halt of uranium enrichment, acceptance of the Additional Protocol, and securing of free access to IAEA inspectors to the regime’s suspicious nuclear installations and sites would be prerequisites of abandoning the pursuit of the bomb by the regime.

Earlier this year the Iranian regime agreed to taking some steps back in its nuclear program as a result of being domestically isolated and internationally rejected and placed under sanctions. However, the international community’s weakness, delays, and compromises has enabled Ali Khamenei to once again resort to deception and duplicity.
In light of the regional circumstances, Khamenei wants to keep the regime’s nuclear infrastructure intact and to leave open the door towards acquiring a nuclear weapon by the regime.

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